I haven't got the chance to speak much about my friend Gani, but this guy is one of the friends I will forever cherish. We used to eat lunch together, mostly in Philcoa because it’s the nearest place in his office. Gani was a ‘cool geek.’ =) A wide reader, who can talk about Marx in a different light, who can argue with me about queer theory, and so on. He’s my personal counselor, particularly with issues of heart. He holds my hand and tells me how beautiful I am that I should not be wasting my time on useless relationships. His way of consoling me is a tranquilizer that keeps me calm when I feel that time is running out and I’m losing everything (in short kapag agitated ako to meet my own deadlines,wehehehe).
Last December 31, I lost a funny and caring friend in a vehicular accident. He passed away on the very moment we decided not to bug each other because I'm on the field shooting the video of the festival, which is the focus of my thesis. He was also preoccupied with his proposal that time, the reason why the last text I received from him says that we will have a busy week ahead so we will just meet in Diliman for lunch after my field work. I did not have the chance to text him during New Year’s Eve that is why I'm clueless to what happened to him. Part of me says, I should have texted him, just so his family could have inform me immediately. However, it’s not a thing to lament because knowing Gani, he would not appreciate it if I’ll mourn on the ‘what ifs.’ He's a carefree soul.
Remembering him now, I can’t forget one of the last text messages he sent. It goes this way… “Kapatid, according daw to Lilian Rubin, in our lives there are people we consider friends of the road and there are friends of the heart. I consider you as my friend of the heart. Ingat lagi. Gud luck sa defense!”
Gani, you will always be my friend of the heart…