When you are c, you will realize the stupidity of boys who continuously use lines that they believe as polite ways of saying goodbye, not knowing that these will only aggravate your feelings, because you repeatedly heard them for years. To all the guys who happened to read this, kindly forgive my sarcasm (if you get hurt, then maybe you are not yet a man but a boy). I might sound mean and sexist but admit that these lines are some of your unforgivable gestures. You better try to learn from this Blog. At least you know how a woman feels when you say these lines, so better think of some alternatives.
5 Stupid Lines that suck: To all the ladies, beware! The words may sound polite, but they lack honesty.
STUPID LINE #1.It’s not you, it’s me…I need to find myself. (like duh? Where did you put it anyway? Oh boy, try finding it in the garbage can!)
TRANSLATION: Your in-love with me but I’m not in-love with you anymore, so I need to find another girl.
STUPID LINE #2.You have all the qualities a guy dreamt of…I don’t deserve you. (This excuse is totally unacceptable! Nobody choose to throw away a diamond. Given ‘all the qualities’ a guy dreamt of and you still don’t want the girl, then what are you looking for, pea brain?!)
TRANSLATION: Try to find someone else because I no longer like your qualities and/or you.
STUPID LINE #3. I need some space… (Oh, I see… Are you an astronaut by profession?!)
TRANSLATION: Let’s part ways. Please get lost!
STUPID LINE #4. I’m sure you can still find a better guy than me. (Imagine if all guys think this way, would there be anyone left to be the ‘better guy’? hahaha!)
TRANSLATION: I don’t want to feel the guilt of leaving you, so I just label myself as a ‘bad guy.’ Please leave, find someone else.
STUPID LINE #5. My ex-gf is suicidal and doesn’t want to break up with me. (Why do you call her an ‘ex’ if you haven’t got the chance to break up with her? Come on guys, don’t use other girls to dump your lady, it’s totally unfair! If you have a pea brain, at least compensate your dumbness with a backbone.)
TRANSLATION: Actually she’s not an ex-girlfriend, I love her, and I chose her over you, bye, bye!
To all the ladies, be careful in finding a mate, you don’t want to end up having a relationship with a Neanderthal who pretends to be a Homo Sapien. Boys will be boys, just like Peter Pan, they will never grow up, so better find a man.